导读 8月科学教育网小李来为大家讲解下。butter是什么意思翻译成中文,butter是什么意思这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!英语字母及...




stalk 潜近猎物 跟踪=st太阳在东方升起=运行=行走=行止=节律=

to stalk a criminal

a stalk of corn

一颗玉米 茎 秆

stall (牲口的)隔栏 隔间 淋浴间


a market stall 摊位

a bookstall 书摊

stop stalling and answer my question


the car stalled on the road

停止 抛锚了

stallion /ˈstæliən


stalwart 健壮 坚决 坚定的

铁杆 坚定的追随者

a stalwart supporter

stamen /ˈsteɪmən


stamina /ˈstæmɪnə

体力 耐力 精力

you need great stamina to run in the 10000-meter race

stammer 口吃

he stammers when he feels nervous

he stammered his thanks


stamp /stæmp

he was stamping around in the cold trying to keep his feet to warm

跺脚 踩

he stamped his foot angrily

this machine stamps the date on all letters

盖上 盖戳

the title was stamped in gold on the book

has this letter been stamped

贴 粘邮票

stamp out 消灭 扑灭 根除

to stamp out a disease

the stamp in the library book

邮戳 图章 邮票 印记 跺脚

stampede 惊逃 逃窜

we shouldn't be stampeded

stance 站姿 想法 态度

stanch /stɔːntʃ

止(血)business/ ‘biznis/ n.商业,生意;事务

  busy/ ‘bizi/ a.忙的,繁忙的

  but/ bΛt/ conj.但是,可是

  butter/ ‘bΛtə/ n.黄油;奶油

  button/ ‘bΛtn/ n.扣子;按钮 vt.扣紧

  buy/ bai/ vt.买,购买 vi.买

  by/ bai/ prep.在…旁;被,由

cabbage/ ‘kæbidʒ/ n.洋白菜,卷心菜

  cabin/ ‘kæbin/ n.小屋;船舱,机舱

  cabinet/ ‘kæbinit/ n.橱,柜;内阁

  cable/ ‘keibl/ n.缆,索;电缆;电报

  cafe/ ‘kæfei, kə’fei/ n.咖啡馆;小餐厅

  cage/ keidʒ/ n.笼;鸟笼,囚笼

  cake/ keik/ n.饼,糕,蛋糕

  calculate/ ‘kælkjuleit/ vt.计算;估计;计划

  calculator/ ‘kælkjuleitə/ n.计算器,计算者

  calendar/ ‘kælində/ n. 日历,历书;历法

  call/ kɔ:l/ vt.把…叫做;叫,喊

  calm/ ka:m/ a.静的,平

all year round


#我们一起学英语#“一年到头”,用地道英语怎么表达?all year round看到这个英语口语表达,有人要问为什么不是 all years,那是你误解了all的含义,all在这里不是“所有的”意思,而是表示“整个的”,就是entire,所以all year 表示“整个一年”,round是副词,“绕一整圈、围绕”的意思。all year round,就是“围绕整个一年”的意思,用英文解释就是:during the entire year,相当于我们中文里说的:“全年,终年,一年到头”。- I'm so glad I bumped into you here. It's been a long time. What are you up to?- 很高兴在这儿能遇见你。好久不见,最近在忙啥呢?- Writing is my bread and butter, you know. I've been working on it all year round at home. A couple of days ago, I finished my ninth book and turned it in to my publisher.- 你知道的,我靠写作生活。我一整年都在家里埋头写作。前几天,我完成了我的第九本书,并交给了我的发行人。- Wow, good for you! That's really something.- 哇塞,恭喜你啊!你真了不起!- My English really sucks. I've been learning English all year round, but it's all Greek to me. - 我的英语太烂了!我一年到头都在学英语,但是还是一窍不通。- Don't get cold feet. Study with me, and I can help you out.- 别打退堂鼓。和我一起学,我能帮你学好它。- Thank you. It's very kind of you. I owe you one.- 谢谢啦。你真好,我欠你个人情了。- Don't mention it. Since we are friends, I got your back and you got mine.- 别客气。既然我们是朋友,就要相互帮忙。- Long time no see. You look like a million dollars. Do you have any secrets?- 好久不见,你看起来容光焕发,有啥秘诀吗?- Actually, I hit gym every day all year round.- 实际上,我一年到头每天都去健身房锻炼身体。My mother spends a lot of time in the garden, and it looks beautiful all year round.我妈妈花了很多时间在花园里,花园看起来一年四季都很漂亮。If you follow us to study English all year round, it's out of question that you can learn English well.如果你全年关注我们学英语,毫无疑问你能把英语学好。I don't make money all year around.I am very poor so that I cann't return my credit cards.
