
1. 格若斯,69岁,从去年十二月以来一直因安卓斯验尸事件遭受攻击,他对安卓斯这位31岁的母亲的验尸结论是受窒息而死。

Gross, 69, has been under fire since last December over the Andros autopsy, in which he concluded that the 31-year-old mother of two had been suffocated.

2. 答案:无人敢断言,但安卓森说她的研究显示有创意的人时常陷入一个完美运作状态,期间灵感与想法会漫无组织地冒出来

A: No one knows for sure, but Andreasen says her research suggests that creative people often slip into a zone in which ideas and thoughts come up freely in a disorganized way.

3. 但安卓森说,最後的结果是产生创新而有用的东西,譬如汽车,或是美丽的事物,譬如文生。梵谷的一幅画。

But the end result, Andreasen says, is the production of something new and useful, such as the automobile, or beautiful, such as a painting by Vincent van Gogh.

4. 波秀士为保护安卓米达对抗曼杜莎。

Perseus could fight against Medusa for Andromeda.

5. 安卓网开发者联盟正式启动,22万机友助力原创软件发展!

Resetting the phone deletes all data, including downloaded applications, and resets the phone back to its initial state

6. 我爱你 安卓拉你知道的不是吗?

I love you. Angela, you know that, right?

7. 安卓雅:完全不是,我们同时也采取相关措施确保奇航者自行车

Andrea: Not at all. We are also taking steps to ensure Trekker

8. 你知道安卓斯特一直在注视著你。

You know that Andraste is always watching us.

9. 你会被安卓斯特的圣火焚烧

You will burn in Andraste's holy fire!

10. 以安卓斯特之名我欢迎你

In the name of Andraste, I greet you.

11. 以安卓斯特之名我欢迎你

In Andraste's name, I greet you.

12. 安卓斯特开始有份量了吗?

Is Andraste starting to put on weight?

13. 他们知道,安卓可利斯是从主人那里逃出来的,就抓住他带回了罗马。

They knew Androcles had escaped from his master, and so took him back to Rome.

14. 安卓可利斯非常害怕,他想狮子肯定会把他吃了。

Androcles was very frightened, for he felt sure that the beast would eat him up.

15. 一天,一些士兵经过森林,发现了山洞里的安卓可利斯。

One day some soldiers passing through the wood found Androcles in the cave.

16. 听着,安卓,你可不能告诉钱德。

Listen, Adrienne, you can't tell Chandler about this.

17. 在2013年的这张照片中,大大小小的屏幕汇成了光晕的海洋,人们高高举起自己的iPhone、iPad和安卓手机,见证这历史性的一刻。

In the 2013 shot, a sea of screens iPhones, iPads, Androids rise up above the heads of onlookers, offering a powerful permanent form of witness.

18. 我本身就有一款安卓系统的平板电脑,也测试过其他的几款,但我还是最偏爱XperiaZ的设计。

I own an Android tablet and have tested several others, but I liked the Xperia Z's physical design best.

19. 若要将安卓设备解锁,你不必在屏幕上滑动解锁图标或是输入个人识别码,只需把你的设备举起来,然后盯住它的前置摄像头一秒钟时间。

Instead of tracing a pattern on a screen or typing in a PIN, hold your Android device up and stare into its front-facing camera for a second to unlock it.

20. 苹果的操作系统iOS和谷歌的安卓(Android)生态系统都是如此。

This is true in both the apple IOS and Google Android ecosystems.