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Steven Hileman风景一

Steven Hileman风景及花卉



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For the girl who was injured(受伤) in the Tang San beating incident(打人事件), the Judicial Appraisal Institute gave a judicial appraisal opinion today, determined that two of them were minor injuries(轻伤) of the second degree.

One of the famous symbols of Hong Kong, Jumbo restaurant sailed out of(驶离) Hong Kong just four days later, have sunk to the bottom of the sea(海底)because of the wind and waves(风浪).

Due to the lockdown(封城) of Shanghai in the past two months, Many people are dissatisfied with Shanghai and want to leave, Cai Shaofen is one of them. After she returned to Hong Kong, her house in Shanghai is now rented out(出租).

A depositor(储户,存款人) went to the Agricultural Bank of China to withdraw money(取钱), But he was told that he could only withdraw up to 1000 yuan. The bank staff quibbled(狡辩):This is because depositors do not use bank cards(银行卡) for a long time.

There is a news on the Internet recently:A county in Henan Province allows farmers to use wheat(小麦) as a down payment(首付) for house purchases.

The son of Musk, the richest man in the world, just turned 18(满18岁) this year, but he made a surprising decision, that he wants to break off(断绝) his father-son relationship with Musk and change his gender.

Semester5 成语

满腹经纶/ man fu jin lun/:idiom.

literary and artistic r inside of belly fully.

口蜜腹剑/ kou mi fu jian/: idiom.

a mouth sweet and honey with a tummy/ heart evil.

开膛破肚/ kai tang po du /: idiom.

used for surgery on tummy.

cutting off the tummy and splitting off the chest.


u must be a excellent student with literary and artistic in belly fully .never be a mouth crap fully.(never be running* a train in mouth fully).

两面三刀*/ liang mian san dao /: idiom.

double dealer/dealing

a person has 2 personalities/2 sides and 3 blades.


a mouth sweet with swords in belly,a person has his/her mouth sweet,may butter u up. but his/her tummy has a lot of swords inside exactlly.may kill/butcher,may set u up. a person is double- dealer /dealing .this Sword isn't a hammer 3 inchs.
