导读 大家好,知识小编来为大家讲解下。robust是什么意思,robust的用法很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!一、robust是什么意思1、robus



1、robust 强健的,健壮的

2、来自拉丁语 robustus,强健的,强壮的,来自 robus,硬木材,特指橡木,来自 ruber,红色的, 词源同 ruby,red.因橡木红色的树心而得名,即像橡木一样结实的。



2、robust: [16] By a series of semantic twists, robust is related to red. It comes ultimately from Indo- European *reudh- ‘red’ (source of English red). This produced Latin rōbus, which was applied to a particular sort of oak tree with reddish wood. The oak being synonymous with strength, rōbus in due course came to mean ‘strength’. This was carried over into the derived rōbustus ‘firm, strong, solid’, from which English gets robust, and also into the verb rōborāre ‘strengthen’, source of English corroborate [16].=> corroborate, red

3、robust (adj.)

4、1540s, from Middle French robuste (14c.) and directly from Latin robustus "strong and hardy," literally "as strong as oak," originally "oaken," from robur, robus "hard timber, strength," also "a special kind of oak," named for its reddish heartwood, from Latin ruber "red" (related to robigo "rust"), from PIE *reudh- (see red (adj.1)). Related: Robustly; robustness. Robustious (1540s) was a common form in 17c. (see "Hamlet" iii.2); it fell from use by mid-18c., but was somewhat revived by mid-19c. antiquarian writers.
