
Carpe diem, seize the day, boys, make your lives extraordinary.把握今朝,抓住现在,年轻人,去创造不同凡响的人生。Carpe diem is part of Horace’s injunction "carpe diem quam minimum credula postero," which appears in his Odes (I.11), published in 23 BC. It can be translated literally as "pluck the day, trusting as little as possible in the next one." The phrase is more widely known as "seize the day".


《死亡诗社》里那句经典的“carpe diem”,到底是什么意思?丨夜听双语

活在眼下,及时行乐,口语中只有用seize the day?

拉丁文“carpe diem”,通常被译为“seize the day”,意为,享受眼前的快乐,不担心将来。

MG. I'm in the best emotional shape of my life. I need to carpe the diem.


