导读 大家好,小宜来为大家讲解下。www.rightbrain.art,brainpass这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!It's not a brain fault....


It's not a brain fault. I can pass this time. I just died at the gate of the hospital. Comrades need to continue their efforts.



1.Emit signals 发射信号

Starting with such a high speed of rotation, these pulsars continue to emit signals for billions of years before fading out.


2.Send signals 发送信号

A radio signal was sent to the spacecraft.


The transmitters will send a signal automatically to a local base station.


3.Deliver signals 发送信号

A simple interface, consisting of an electromagnetic coil on a wire-frame wrapped around the finger, allows a computer to deliver signals to the implants.


4.Transmit signals 发射信号

He demonstrated how audio signals could be transmitted along cables without distortion.


This molecule, called an R-type calcium channel, transmits brain signals by regulating the flow of calcium ions into neurons.


5.Radiate signals 放射出信号

Callahan posits that chemical elements radiate electromagnetic signals.


6.Generate signals 产生信号

Their spinal cords, in other words, had learnt to recognise nerve signals coming from their leg muscles and to generate appropriate outgoing signals to keep the movement going.


7.Produce signals 产生信号

Quartz watches use very high-frequency oscillations of a crystal, which can be tuned with extreme precision to produce regular signals.


8.Channel signals 传输信号

A sensor channels the light signal along an optical fibre.


9.Carry signals 传输信号

The nerves carry these signals to the brain.


A thin cable carries the signal to a computer.


10.Pass signals 传递信号

Its job is to pass signals from the outside world to the cellular interior.


11.Relay signals 转发信号

The tests suggest the system used to relay signals and commands may have contributed to the crash.




Do you want to live another 100 years or more? Some experts say that scientific advances will one day __1__ (able) humans to last tens of years beyond __2__ is now seen as the natural limit of the human life span (时间跨度).

"I think we are __3__ (knock) at the door of immortality (永生)," said Michael Zey, __4__ Montclair State University business professor and author of two books on the future. "I think by 2075 we will see it and that's a conservative estimate (保守的估计).

At the conference in San Francisco, Donald Louria, a professor at New Jersey Medical School in Newark said advances in using genes (基因) as well as nanotechnology (纳米技术) make __5__ likely that humans will live in the future beyond what has been possible in the past. "There is a great push so __6__ people can live from 120 to 180 years," he said, "Some have suggested that there is no limit and that people could live to 200 or 300 or 500 years."

However, many scientists who specialize in ageing (老龄化) are __7__ (doubt) about it and say the human body is just not designed to last past about 120 years. Even with __8__ (healthy) lifestyles and less disease, they say failure of the brain and organs (器官) will finally lead all humans to __9__ (die).

Scientists also differ on (对……持不同意见) what kind of life the super aged might live. "It remains to be __10__ (see) (尚待分晓) if you pass 120, you know; could you be healthy enough to have good quality of life (生活质量)?" said Leonard Poon, director of the University of Georgia Gerontology(乔治亚大学老年医学中心). "At present who could get to that point are not in good health at all."

Research shows that we lose this ability toward the end of the first year of life. As babies, we unconsciously compile statistics about what we hear.and our brain adjusts to the distribution of phonemes used by those around us.Around twelve months of age, this process converges and something freezes in our brain: we lose the ability to learn. Except in extraordinary circumstances,we will never again be able to pass ourselves off as native speakers of Japanese,Finnish, or Hindi -our phonology is (almost) set in stone. It takes immense effort for an adult to recover the ability to discriminate sounds in a foreign language. Only with intense and focused rehabilitation, first amplifying the differences between /R/ and /L/ to make them audible, then gradually reducing them, can a Japanese adult succeed in partially recovering the discrimination of these consonants.

研究显示我们在人生的第一年结束的时候就失去了这种能力。婴儿时,我们无意识地对听到的信息编制统计数据。我们的大脑调整自己适应周围使用的音素分布。大约十二个月大的时候,这个过程集中起来,我们大脑的的东西被冻结了:我们失去了学习的能力。除非在特殊情况下,我们再也无法假装自己像把日语、芬兰语或印地语是母语的人那样了---我们的语言体系几乎一成不变了。恢复在外语中辨别语音的能力需要付出巨大的努力。只有通过长时间而集中的康复训练,首先放大 /R/ 和 /L/之间的差异使它们听得见,然后逐渐减少它们,一个日本的成年人能成功地部分恢复这些辅音的辨别力。

To put it bluntly, almost any investment can be interpreted as a Ponzi scheme, because nothing goes up constantly, and when you get the last stick and can't trade, the bubble bursts in a targeted way. Value itself is a very illusory definition given by humans. So whether it's real estate, or commodities, or corporate valuations, they exist only to give people a reason to pass to another. People, only lose money, only know long brain, so do not in the human brain, artificial intervention means, this will only deepen his defects of the brain, and finally do something harmful to others and society.


What's going to happen in the future?Here are some things that scientists say are most

 likely to happen 10to 30years from now.

Digital money

We used to pay with cash  for everything we bought.In fact,we are already using one

 type of digital money,when we swipe  our bus pass or use a credit card  to shop online.

You have to admit that using a card is much easier than searching your pocket for change.It is also safer than carrying a lot of cash on your person.People in Sweden 

completely stopped using cash last year and the US might be next.

Bionic eye

People who are blind may have a chance to get their sight back-by wearing bionic eyes.A blind eye can no longer sense light,but a bionic eye can use a camera to"see"the

 environment and send data into the brain.

Although the bionic eye that's out now only allow patients to see lights and unclear 

shapes,a high resolution version could be just a few years away.

Self-driving car

Unlike a human driver,a self-driving car won't be distracted  by a phone call,the radio 

or something outside the window.Sensorsand cameras on the car would allow it to keep 

strictly to the rules of the road and keep a safe distance from other cars.This would 

greatly reduce the number of road accidents.Many vehicle companies are now planning 

self-driving cars.By 2040,driverless vehicles will be the main vehicles on the road.

未来会发生什么? 以下是科学家们认为10到30年后最有可能发生的事情。  


我们过去买什么东西都用现金。 事实上,当我们刷公交卡或使用信用卡在网上购物时,我们已经在使用一种数字货币了。  

你必须承认使用信用卡比在口袋里找零钱要容易得多。 这也比随身携带大量现金更安全。 瑞典人去年完全停止使用现金,美国人可能会是下一个。  


盲人或许有机会通过佩戴仿生眼重获光明。 一只失明的眼睛不再能感知光线,但一只仿生眼睛可以用相机“看到”环境,并将数据发送到大脑。  



与人类司机不同,自动驾驶汽车不会被电话、收音机或窗外的其他东西分心。 汽车上的传感器和摄像头将使它严格遵守道路规则,并与其他汽车保持安全距离。 这将大大减少交通事故的数量。 许多汽车公司现在都在规划自动驾驶汽车。 到2040年,无人驾驶汽车将成为道路上的主要车辆。

Semester5 脑科 mental disorder2

a doctor gave 3 of disorders a exam.

D: u may be free if u pass the exam.

the doctor shot A disorder in a toy gun.


D: B,answer me.why A could survive after i shot on his head ?

B: becoz u forgot paint a target on his head.

D:C,answer me,why A survive after i shot him on his head?


C: becoz entered to right out from left from ears?

D: A,answer me why u survive after i shot u on ur brain?


A: becoz,i'm a target brainless ?

D: all of u failed ur exams.

左耳进,右耳出: entered into a left ear,went out from right ear. a proverb.

insisted st sb told to u and u forget it quickly.

students,translating it to ensure u r not brainless !

太极拳学习小结。Today I relaxed my neck.suddenly,i have the same feeling as last time。That is a special and strange feeling.My neck is totally relaxed.And then it seems that my neck can't be felt by myself.It seems that I have no neck.I feel my head is very free.It can recycle very freely and my brain is very clear. And my eyes are very bright.In my opinion.This is because.My neck is totally relaxed. So the blood. And the air Can pass. Smoothly.There is no.Abstackles Which Inference the running of blood,On the other hand, I think maybe this is the last result of my practice. That is Nothing is the best.Everything is empty.At last.All is empty. And then. All is okay.all is emptyMeans that I can't feel anything and i Forget everything Of myself.
