导读 您好,今天小编胡舒来为大家解答以上的问题。九年级上册科学作业本电子版,九年级上册科学作业本相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让我们一起来看...


1、1 Failing the test 2 wear uniforms 3 clean up 4 get to class late 5 strict with 6 instead of 7 is good for.1 Jenny is not allowed to watch TV On school nights 2 Jenny has to make the bed before breakfast.3 Jenny has to wash dishes after dinner on Monday and Friday4 Jenny is allowed to play computer games on Saturday afternoon5 Jenny isn’t allowed to chat with friends for a long time On the phone 1 YOu’re not allowed to smoke here 2 You have to keep quiet 3 You’re not allowed to turn right 4 You’re not allowed to park your car here 5 You’re allowed to go across the road5:!1 is good for 2 At present 3 stay up 4 concentrate,on 5 learn from6 have an opportunity 7 The other dayDCB4.(1)H2SO4+Mg=MgSO4+H2 置换反应 (2)3H2SO4+2Al=Al2(SO4)3+3H2 置换反应 (3)H2SO4+Ba(OH)2=BaSO4↓+2H2O 复分解反应5.氧化铝 氧化 酸性或碱性6.镁 锌 铁 铜 2HCl+Fe=FeCl2+H2 7.(1)银丝表面无现象,铁丝表面变红色CuSO4+Fe=FeSO4+Cu (2)活动性:铁>铜>银8.D9.因为铁能与硫酸铜溶液反应从而降低药效(CuSO4+Fe=FeSO4+Cu)10.如稀盐酸2HCl+Fe=FeCl2+H2 铁 CuCl2+Fe=FeCl2+Cu11.(1)铜 铝 (2)金属活动性的不同。


3、蓝 H2SO4+CuO=△ CuSO4+H2O 19.烧碱(火碱、苛性钠) NaOH 潮解 CO2+2NaOH=Na2CO3+H2O 20. CO2+Ca(OH)2=CaCO3↓+H2O 21 (1)碱 酸 (2)红色刚好消失 (3)HCl+NaOH=NaCl+H2O 22.(1)A (2)不能23.(1)②(2)②H2SO4+Ba(OH)2=BaSO4↓+2H2O 复分解反应24.(1)乙、丙、甲、丁 (2)表面积 25.(1)增大反应物的接触面积,加快与胃酸的作用 (2)氢氧化铝的含量为 214毫克,没有达到标准。

4、它的质量分数为42.8% 。

5、26.(1)75% (2)14.6%。
