
I guess Peter Pan was right.

Growing up’s a waste of time.

So I think I’ll fly away.

Set a course for brighter days.





____Anson Seabra的歌曲《Peter Pan was right》



With dreams, our hearts can fly high; taking flight, our dreams will not be far away.

Some people think that dreams are good for success, while others argue that they are problematic because they may be unrealistic.

In my opinion, dreams are necessary for our life only if they are encouraging and realistic.

First, there is undoubtedly power in dreams. Dreams can lead people onto the path they seek and can endow them with passion. Dreams can provide an enthusiastic love of life that puts a sparkle in our eyes or a lilt in our voices. Dreams can smooth the wrinkles from our souls.

Furthermore, all humans are born with wide-eyed, enthusiastic wonder. Many people have seen an infant's delight at the jingle of keys or the scurrying of a beetle. It is this childlike wonder, preserved in dreams, that gives enthusiastic people such a youthful air, no matter how old they are.

Lastly, a dream is something that one feels happy to hold on to. People with dreams love what they do, regardless of economic rewards, power or celebrity.

In short, God provides each bird its food, but he does not throw it into its nest. Whatever we want to do, cherish our precious dreams and work hard to let them be realized.

有了梦想,我们的心就可以飞翔 。 有了飞翔,我们的梦想将不再遥远。







#分享新生活# #今日头条# #今日头条微头条# #微头条打卡# #头条#

#头条创作挑战赛# #冬日生活打卡季# 以前我以为有一种鸟一开始就会飞,飞到死亡的那一天才落地。其实它什么地方也没去过,那鸟一开始就已经死了。我以往说过不到最终一刻我也不会明白最喜欢的女人是谁,不明白她此刻在干什么呢?天开始亮了,今日的天气看上去不错,不明白今日的日落会是怎样样的呢?——《阿飞正传》#金句# #温州# I used to think that there was a kind of bird that could fly at the beginning and didn't land until the day of its death. Actually, it hasn't been anywhere. The bird was dead from the beginning. I used to say that until the last moment, I wouldn't know who my favorite woman is and what she is doing at the moment. It's getting light. Today's weather looks good. I wonder what the sunset will be like today. -The True Story of A Fei#随手拍# #微头条打卡#



In the recently popular TV series "human world" on CCTV1, Feng Huacheng, a famous poet in Beijing, said in a dialogue that filial piety comes first. The key to the problem is the understanding of filial piety. Since ancient times, filial piety has been divided into two kinds, nourishing the mouth and body and mind. Serving their parents and taking care of their clothes, food, housing and transportation is to nourish their mouth and body; To fly away and achieve something is to make parents proud of it. It is equally important and indispensable.

What do you think?

你一辈子都是在做一个英语“学习”(If any)的“巨婴”(没有汉语就“不懂”英语)吗?

在这个“互联网+英语学习工具(Yahoo,Bing等)”的时代,我们每天的英语“学习”(if any at all)我们需要“考虑”的是:一、我们从这段英语的“阅读”(学习?)中,又有机会“用到”那些(已知的学过的)英语。二、我又从中训练了多少查Yahoo或Bing上的英英字典,而不是“又做了一回”英译汉的“翻译器”:逢“英”必“中”,只有“懂”它的汉语,我“才懂”这段英语:一辈子都是在做一个英语“学习”(If any)的“巨婴”(没有汉语就“不懂”英语)。


来试试,下面这段“高中级别”的英语,你是怎么“读”(if any at al)的?


North Korea Tests Long Range Cruise Missile


North Korea said Monday it successfully tested a long-range cruise missile over the weekend. The tests show how the country is trying to grow its nuclear technology as diplomatic talks with the United States have mostly stopped.


The state-run Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) reported that the missiles hit targets 1,500 kilometers away. State media published photos of an object being launched from a truck and what looked like a missile traveling in the air. Experts say the long-range cruise missile could give North Korea another way to escape its neighbors' missile defenses.

North Korea says it needs nuclear weapons in order to prevent what it claims is hostility from the United States and South Korea.


非也!下文“有答案”:Okay.I got you.Long-range means it can fly at least 1,500 kilometers away.If it is shorter than 1,500 kilometers,I think it is medium-range or short-range.

“阅读”的要点是我们通过long-range,能“用上”(已知的学过的)英语1,500 kilometers.medium-range or short-range

永远“只会”一个汉语“远程”,不是英语“学习”(if any at all)的“巨婴”是什么?


Our continuing story, of the Adventures of Alice in Wonderland

From Mr. Pete

With more of Chapter 7 - A Mad Tea Party

First continuing a little bit from yesterday...

... Do you know the song, by any chance?"

"I think I know one that's similar," said Alice.

"It goes on, you know," the Hatter continued, "like this:

Up above the world you fly

Like a tea-tray in the sky.

Twinkle, twinkle."

Here the Dormouse moved himself about and began to sing in his sleep, "Twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle—

He continued to sing these same words for so long that they had to pinch him to make him stop.

Continuing tomorrow with more of Chapter 7 - A Mad Tea Party

#The King's Man 王牌特工:源起#

I think we both see that story differently.


Welcome home, Your Grace. -Thank you, Shola.

欢迎回家 老爷 -谢谢你 休拉

Afternoon, everyone. -Afternoon, Your Grace.

各位午安 -午安 老爷

Ready for your maiden flight yet, Shola?

准备展开处女航了吗 休拉

Well, if God wanted man to fly, he would have given him wings.

如果上帝要人飞行 就会给他翅膀

Yes, I suppose. You drive Father's car?

我想是吧 你开父亲的车

You haven't any wheels.


Nanny Watkins.


My study in five minutes.




英 [ˈmeɪdn] 美 [ˈmeɪdn]

n. <旧>少女,未婚女子,处女;(板球)零得分投球轮;(赛跑中)未赢过的马

adj. 首次的,初次的;(女子)未婚的;(赛马)从未跑赢过的;(树木或其他果实植物)生长期第一年内的

The maiden voyage or flight of a ship or aircraft is the first official journey that it makes. (航行、飞行) 首次的

In 1912, the Titanic sank on her maiden voyage.




英 [ˈnæni] 美 [ˈnæni]

n. 保姆;母山羊

A nanny is a woman who is paid by parents to take care of their child or children. (受雇照看小孩的) 保姆



英 [ˈstʌdi] 美 [ˈstʌdi]

n. (专题)研究,调查;(尤指通过书本的)学习,攻读;用于某些学科名称(studies);功课,课业,学业(studies);学术专著,专题论文;<美>学习者;学习对象,研究对象;(绘画的)试画, 习作;书房,书斋;细致考虑,仔细检查,审视; 特别的事物(或人);以特定速度背台词的演员(舞台俚语);描写,描绘;练习曲

v. 学习,攻读;认真阅读,仔细看;研究,调查;<西印度>仔细考虑,慎重思考;(演员)记住(或背下)(台词)

A study is a room in a house which is used for reading, writing, and studying. 书房

That evening we sat together in his study.




1.So,Joe,what do you think your life will be like in 10 years?那么,乔,你觉得10年后你的生活会是什么样的?

2.Oh, I think I’ll be an astronaut.哦,我想我会成为一名宇航员。

3.An astronaut?Are you kidding?宇航员?你在开玩笑吗?

4.No, I’m serious.不是,我是认真的。

5.I’ll fly rockets to the moon.我要载着火箭到月球上去。

6.Maybe I’ll also fly to other planets.也许我也会飞到其他星球去。

7.Oh,and where will you live?哦,你会住在哪里?

8.I’ll live on a space station.我要住在太空站。

9.Will Joe's dream of becoming an astronaut come true?乔想当宇航员的愿望会实现吗?

10.Chinese astronauts have been living in the space station for three months, and Joe's wish will certainly come true.中国的宇航员已经在太空站生活了三个月,乔的愿望也一定会实现。

Yet without mistakes,we could not learn or grow.If you think about it that way,mistakes should be cherished and celebrated for being one of the most amazing things in the world:they make learning possible; they make growth and improvement possible.

By trial and error-trying things,making mistakes,and learning from those mistakes-we have figured out how to make electric light,to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel,to fly.

Mistakes make walking possible for the smallest toddler,make speech possible,make works of genius possible.

Think about how we learn:we don't just consume information about something and instantly know it or know how to do it.You don't just read about painting,or writing,or computer programming,or baking,or playing the piano,and know how to do them right away.

Instead,you get information about something,from reading or from another person or from observing,then you make mistakes and repeat,making mistakes,learning from those mistakes,until you've pretty much learned how to do something.

然而,没有错误,我们就无法学习和成长。 如果你这样想,错误应该被珍惜和庆祝,因为它是世界上最神奇的事情之一:它们让学习成为可能,它们让成长和进步成为可能。  



想想我们是如何学习的:我们不只是消耗一些信息然后立刻知道它或知道如何去做。 你不只是读到关于绘画、写作、计算机编程、烘焙或弹钢琴的知识,就马上知道如何去做这些事情。


What will life be like in 3000? Different people have different answers.

I think life will be very different in 3000. Every family will have a robot. The robot can do everything for people. So people won’t have to do heavy and dull work. And they will have more free time to enjoy the things they like.

People will wear special clothes in 3000. They don’t have to wash the clothes because the clothes won’t get dirty. There will be more kinds of food for people to enjoy. And they are all healthy food.

People will use energy from the sun and the wind. So there won’t be any pollution problems.

People will use a special car to travel. It can run on the road and fly in the air. It will be very easy for people to travel to the moon and other planets. Some people will live in other planets.

3000年的生活会是什么样子? 不同的人有不同的答案。 

我认为3000年的生活会很不一样。 每个家庭都会有一个机器人。 机器人可以为人们做任何事情。 因此,人们将不必做沉重和枯燥的工作。 他们会有更多的空闲时间去享受他们喜欢的事情。  

在3000年人们会穿特殊的衣服。 他们不需要洗衣服,因为衣服不会脏。 将会有更多种类的食物供人们享用。 而且它们都是健康食品。  

人们将使用太阳能和风能。 所以不会有任何污染问题。  

人们将使用一辆特殊的汽车旅行。 它能在路上跑,能在空中飞。 人们去月球和其他行星旅行将是很容易的。 有些人会住在其他星球上。
