导读 大家好,知识小编来为大家讲解下。panel是什么意思,panel的用法很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!一、panel是什么意思1、panel



1、panel 面板,金属板,讨论小组,陪审团成员




2、panel: [13] Etymologically, a panel is nothing more than a ‘small pane’. It comes via Old French from Vulgar Latin *pannellus, a diminutive form of Latin pannus ‘rag’ (source of English pane [13]). Both panel and pane entered English with their original ‘cloth’ connotations intact, but they have now virtually died out, surviving only in the compound counterpane (which is actually an alteration of an earlier counterpoint), and ‘shape’ has taken over from ‘substance’ as the word’s key semantic feature.=> pane

3、panel (n.)

4、early 14c., from Old French panel "piece of cloth, piece, saddle cushion" (Modern French panneau), from Vulgar Latin *pannellus, diminutive of Latin pannus "piece of cloth" (see pane). Anglo-French legalese sense of "piece of parchment (cloth) listing jurors" led by late 14c. to meaning "jury." General sense of "persons called on to advise, judge, discuss," etc. is from 1570s. Sense of "distinct part of surface of a wall, door, etc." is first recorded c. 1600.

5、panel (v.)

6、mid-15c., "to empanel," from panel (n.). From 1630s as "to furnish (a room) with panels." Related: Paneled; paneling; panelling.
