导读 大家好,知识小编来为大家讲解下。department是什么意思,department的用法很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!一、department是什么



1、department 部门

2、来自depart, 分开,离开。引申词义分开,部门。



2、department: [15] English has borrowed department from French département on two completely separate occasions. Originally, in late Middle English, it was used for ‘departure’, but this died out in the mid-17th century. Then in the 18th century it was re-acquired in the different sense ‘distinct division’; Dr Johnson, in his Dictionary 1755, dismisses it as a French term.

3、department (n.)

4、mid-15c., "a going away, act of leaving," from Old French departement (12c.) "division, sharing out; divorce, parting," from Late Latin departire (see depart). French department meant "group of people" (as well as "departure"), from which English borrowed the sense of "separate division, separate business assigned to someone in a larger organization" (c. 1735). Meaning "separate division of a government" is from 1769. As an administrative district in France, from 1792.
