导读 大家好,知识小编来为大家讲解下。checkmate是什么意思,checkmate的用法很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!一、checkmate是什么意



1、checkmate 将军,将死

2、来自阿拉伯语shah mat. shah, 王,mat, 杀。即将杀死你的王,将军。


1、checkmate (n.)

2、mid-14c., from Old French eschec mat (Modern French échec et mat), which (with Spanish jaque y mate, Italian scacco-matto) is from Arabic shah mat "the king died" (see check (n.1)), which according to Barnhart is a misinterpretation of Persian mat "be astonished" as mata "to die," mat "he is dead." Hence Persian shah mat, if it is the ultimate source of the word, would be literally "the king is left helpless, the king is stumped."

3、checkmate (v.)

4、late 14c.; see checkmate (n.). Related: Checkmated; checkmating.
