导读 大家好,知识小编来为大家讲解下。token是什么意思,token的用法很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!一、token是什么意思1、token



1、token 象征,符号,标志,代金券

2、来自古英语 tacen,符号,象征,证据,来自 Proto-Germanic*taiknam,符号,标志,来自 PIE*teik, 显示,展示,词源同 teach,digit,toe.引申诸相关词义。



2、token: [OE] A token is etymologically something that ‘shows’ you something. It comes from a prehistoric Germanic *taiknam, which also produced German zeichen ‘sign’. This in turn was formed from a base *taik- ‘show’, which also produced English teach.=> teach

3、token (n.)

4、Old English tacen "sign, symbol, evidence" (related to verb tæcan "show, explain, teach"), from Proto-Germanic *taiknam (cognates: Old Saxon tekan, Old Norse teikn "zodiac sign, omen, token," Old Frisian tekan, Middle Dutch teken, Dutch teken, Old High German zeihhan, German zeichen, Gothic taikn "sign, token"), from PIE root *deik- "to show" (see teach). Meaning "coin-like piece of stamped metal" is first recorded 1590s. Older sense of "evidence" is retained in by the same token (mid-15c.), originally "introducing a corroborating circumstance" [OED].

5、token (adj.)

6、"nominal," 1915, from token (n.). In integration sense, first recorded 1960.
