导读 大家好,知识小编来为大家讲解下。strange是什么意思,strange的用法很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!一、strange是什么意思1、st



1、strange 外来的,陌生的,奇怪的

2、来自古法语 estrange,外来的,外部的,来自拉丁语 extraneus,外来的,外部的,来自 extra,外 面的,词源同 extra-,extraneous.引申词义奇怪的,陌生的。



2、strange: [13] The etymological notion underlying strange is of being ‘beyond the usual bounds or boundaries’. This evolved into ‘foreign’ (which survives in the closely related French étrange) and ‘odd’. The word came via Old French estrange from Latin extrāneus ‘foreign, strange’ (source of English extraneous [17]), an adjective based on extrā ‘outward, outside’. Stranger [14] goes back to *extrāneārius, a Vulgar Latin derivative of extrāneus; and another derivative, extrāneāre ‘alienate’, produced English estrange [15].=> estrange, extraneous

3、strange (adj.)

4、late 13c., "from elsewhere, foreign, unknown, unfamiliar," from Old French estrange "foreign, alien, unusual, unfamiliar, curious; distant; inhospitable; estranged, separated" (Modern French étrange), from Latin extraneus "foreign, external, from without" (source also of Italian strano "strange, foreign," Spanish estraño), from extra "outside of" (see extra). In early use also strounge, straunge. Sense of "queer, surprising" is attested from late 14c. In nuclear physics, from 1956.
