导读 大家好,知识小编来为大家讲解下。acute是什么意思,acute的用法很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!一、acute是什么意思1、acute



1、acute 急性的

2、来自词根ac 尖。-ute,形容词后缀。



2、acute: [14] Acute derives from Latin acūtus ‘sharp’ (which was also the source of English ague). This was the past participle of the verb acuere ‘sharpen’, which in turn was probably formed from the noun acus ‘needle’. Like the related acid, acetic, and acrid, it can be traced back to an Indo-European base *ak- ‘be pointed’, which was also the ultimate source of oxygen and edge.=> acetic, acid, acrid, ague, cute, edge, oxygen

3、acute (adj.)

4、late 14c., originally of fevers and diseases, "coming and going quickly" (opposed to a chronic), from Latin acutus "sharp, pointed," figuratively "shrill, penetrating; intelligent, cunning," past participle of acuere "sharpen" (see acuity). Meaning "sharp, irritating" is from early 15c. Meaning "intense" is from 1727. Related: Acutely; acuteness.
