
【摸鱼就玩这个】看图猜游戏作品名的网站 www.highscoreday.com 为游戏玩家们提供了类似 wordle 一样的玩法,每天网站会更新 5 张游戏截图,让玩家们来猜游戏名,难度似乎还不小。

除了猜游戏名的 highscoreday,还有听片段猜歌名的 Heardle、看截图猜电影名的 Framed 等类 wordle 游戏,有兴趣的朋友可以去玩一玩。


· 30分钟口语跟读

I really can't understand why I have made some sentences very clear, but the machine gave me a low score, and some of them vaguely. It gave me a high score. [再见] Good AI

#生活日记# #学习# #英语#

特斯拉CEO马斯克的妈妈Maye Musk刚刚发出的推文:

@elonmusk I found your computer aptitude test from when you were 17. If I remember correctly, they had to retest you because they had never seen such a high score. No wonder you are such a brilliant engineer. #ProudMom

中文翻译:马斯克,我找到了你17岁那年做的计算机能力测验。如果我没记错的话,他们必须重新测试你,因为他们从未见过如此高的分数。 难怪你是如此出色的工程师。 #ProudMom (自豪的妈妈)

【注】文件的南非的著名大学比勒陀利亚大学University of Pretoria 出的


Li Run asked me how I would rate my happiness on a scale of 1 to 100. Ninety-eight, I replied. He was greatly amazed and blurted out, "How could it be so high?" I was also a little surprised and asked, "Well, are you unhappy?" He explained that he had put this question to many people, and few had rated their happiness over eighty. He wondered why I gave my happiness such a high score.


I am also thrust into confusion: why are so many people unhappy? Thus, I asked Li Run what made him feel unhappy. He was at a loss for words and told me he just was not as happy as he had expected. It suddenly dawns on me that many people wish to lead a happy life every day, which is really difficult to realize. In fact, it is the unduly high expectation of happiness that engenders unhappiness.


What is the antonym of 'happiness'? Is it a 'mishap'? I guess it is the 'imperception' of happiness.

When I was a little girl,my understanding of life was as simple as the concept of high scoresthat's all matter.


Grown-ups just will ask how much score you have got this semester?


The real satisfaction can only be found in one place...


High scores.


The harder you are,the higher score you get.


It ZT-Gemeinschaft that time I have got vindication and found that kind of real satisfaction.


When I was a little girl,my understanding of life was as simple as the concept of high scoresthat's all matter.


Grown-ups just will ask how much score you have got this semester?


The real satisfaction can only be found in one place...


High scores.


The harder you are,the higher score you get.


At that time I have got vindication and found that kind of real satisfaction.

