
Her research suggests that, all other factors being equal, mindset plays an important role in learning. Having a deeply entrenched view that any one can progress is, in itself, a source of progress. Conversely, children who adhere to the idea that skills are immutable, and that one is either gifted or not, perform worse. Indeed, such a fixed mindset is demotivating: it encourages neither attention nor active engagement, and it interprets errors as markers ofintrinsic inferiority. As we have seen, however, making errors is the most natural thing- -it simply proves that we have tried. Remember Theodore Roosevelt: "The only man who never makes a mistake is the man who never does anything" Imagine if Grothendieck had come to the conclusion, at eleven years old, that he was bad at math because he thought that pi equalled three.

她的研究表明:所有其他因素都一样,而大脑的思考模式在学习中起着重要作用。坚信每个人都能进步这个观点,本身就是进步的源泉。相反,那些认为技能无法改变,一个人要么是天才,要么是蠢材的孩子表现都很糟糕。实际上,这种固定的思维方式会让人丧失动力:它既不鼓励专注,又不鼓励积极投入,它将错误当做内在自卑的标志。但是,就像我们看到的,犯错是最自然的事情---犯错只是证明我们尝试过了。记住西奥多·罗斯福的话:唯一不犯错的人是什么都不做的人。我们无法想象,如果格罗滕迪克11岁的时候因为他认为π =3,就得出结论,他学不好数学。

外刊精读 | 天气热得可以BBQ了,高温及中暑到底是怎么回事?






1. What is a heat wave? 什么是热浪?


A heat wave is an extremely dangerous weather condition where temperatures soar (急升) well above 90°F. This high heat combines with high levels of humidity (湿度) and creates a heat bubble (气泡) over a certain area for an extended period of time.



2. How do heat waves form? 热浪是如何形成的?


Heat waves form when high pressure air settles high in the air and causes hot air to sink down. The hot air sinking creates a bubble that acts like a seal and traps heat near the ground. This seal keeps out convection currents that form clouds and eventually rain clouds, both of which would help the area affected cool off. Instead the result is a heat wave that has both high heat and high humidity (湿度) near the ground. These heat waves can last from days to weeks.



3. Is a heat wave a natural disaster? 热浪是自然灾害吗?


While heat waves may not have the excessive (过度的) winds or rain that you think of when considering natural disasters they are in fact a natural disaster.



4. How do heat waves affect the environment? 热浪如何影响环境?


Heat waves affect the environment through high temperatures and low, if any, levels of rainfall. These two factors combine to make conditions ideal for droughts and wildfires. The droughts and wildfires caused by heat waves have huge influences on the surrounding vegetation (植物) and wildlife. Plants that need higher levels of water and more shade will probably die as a result of heat waves.


There’s no question that many observers firmly believe the future trajectory of the domestic equity indexes would be even higher than retail investors had expected as a natural hedge against expectation for gigantically downward pressure upon economic growth under the circumstances of a deluge of the detrimental factors, including relentless spike in infectious cases of the Delta variant of coronavirus, paradoxical relationship between the U. S. and China, weakness in capacity of consumption, dramatical correction of the real estate industry, etc.

Top Tips For Taking The Perfect Instagram Shots

Have you been posting tons of pics but aren’t getting the views and attention you’re after? Well, capturing the perfect Instagram photo with your phone is actually a lot harder than it looks. There are actually so many factors that go into capturing the perfect shot, it’s actually not just a simple click of a button. So, if you’re looking to step up your Instagram game, you’ve definitely come to the right place. Take a look at these awesome tips to help you make the most perfect pictures for Instagram.

1、Shoot At The Perfect Time

Believe it or not but when it comes to getting the perfect shot, a lot of planning needs to go into the photography. One of the things that need to be taken into consideration is the time of day. This is why so many professional photographers cherish the golden hour, this is the time of day when the sun makes every photo even more beautiful. As most of the time during midday, it’s hard to get a good shot under the direct sunlight.

2、Use Natural Lighting

If anything, this is the number one tip that everyone should follow. Understanding how to use lighting when taking great photos with your phone, it is a must to know that lighting is the absolute key to gorgeous photos. If you’re indoors be sure to sit near a window and away from artificial lighting. If your photos are being taken at night, avoid the flash and try to find the best source of light from your surroundings such as street lamps. Just remember that no amount of editing will ever be able to save a badly lit photo.
