导读 大家好,知识小编来为大家讲解下。isolate是什么意思,isolate的用法很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!一、isolate是什么意思1、is



1、isolate 隔离,孤立



1、isolate (v.)

2、by 1786, a new formation from isolated (q.v.). The translation of this work is well performed, excepting that fault from which few translations are wholly exempt, and which is daily tending to corrupt our language, the adoption of French expressions. We have here evasion for escape, twice or more times repeated; brigands very frequently; we have the unnecessary and foolish word isolate; and, if we mistake not, paralize, which at least has crept in through a similar channel. Translators cannot be too careful on this point, as it is a temptation to which they are constantly exposed. ["The British Critic," April 1799] As a noun from 1890, from earlier adjectival use (1819).
