导读 大家好,知识小编来为大家讲解下。spread是什么意思,spread的用法很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!一、spread是什么意思1、sprea



1、spread 展开,张开,传播,蔓延

2、来自古英语 spraedan,张开,展开,来自 Proto-Germanic*spreit,展开,散开,来自 PIE*sper, 播撒,散播,词源同 spark,sprawl.引申诸相关词义。



2、spread: [OE] Spread is a general West Germanic word, with relatives in German spreiten and Dutch speiden. These point back to a common prehistoric ancestor *spraidjan. Where that came from is not clear, although it may have links with Latin spargere ‘scatter, sprinkle’ (source of English aspersion [16] and sparse [18]) and Greek speírein ‘sow’ (a relative of English sperm, spore, etc).

3、spread (v.)

4、c. 1200, "to stretch out, to lay out; diffuse, disseminate" (transitive), also "to advance over a wide area" (intransitive); probably from Old English sprædan "to spread, stretch forth, extend" (especially in tosprædan "to spread out," and gesprædung "spreading"), from Proto-Germanic *spreit- (cognates: Danish sprede, Old Swedish spreda, Middle Dutch spreiden, Old High German and German spreiten "to spread"), extended form of PIE root *sper- (4) "to strew" (see sprout (v.)). Reflexive sense of "to be outspread" is from c. 1300; that of "to extend, expand" is attested from mid-14c. Transitive sense of "make (something) wide" is from late 14c. As an adjective from 1510s. Related: Spreading.

5、spread (n.)

6、1620s, "act of spreading;" 1690s, "extent or expanse of something," from spread (v.). Meaning "copious meal" dates from 1822; sense of "food for spreading" (butter, jam, etc.) is from 1812. Sense of "bed cover" is recorded from 1848, originally American English. Meaning "degree of variation" is attested from 1929. Meaning "ranch for raising cattle" is attested from 1927.
