导读 大家好,知识小编来为大家讲解下。resume是什么意思,resume的用法很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!一、resume是什么意思1、resum



1、resume 重新开始,继续,简历,履历

2、re-,再,重新,-sum,承担,拿起,词源同 assume,consume.引申词义重新开始,继续,总结, 小结等,后用于指简历,履历。


1、resume (v.)

2、early 15c., "to regain, take back;" mid-15c., "recommence, continue, begin again after interruption," from Middle French resumer (14c.) and directly from Latin resumere "take again, take up again, assume again," from re- "again" (see re-) + sumere "take up" (compare assume). Meaning "begin again" is mid-15c. Intransitive sense "proceed after interruption" is from 1802. Related: Resumed; resuming.

3、resume (n.)

4、also résumé, 1804, "a summary," from French résumé, noun use of past participle of Middle French resumer "to sum up," from Latin resumere (see resume (v.)). Meaning "biographical summary of a person's career" is 1940s.
