导读 大家好,知识小编来为大家讲解下。afflict是什么意思,afflict的用法很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!一、afflict是什么意思1、af



1、afflict 打击

2、前缀af-同ad-, 去,往。词根flict, 击打,见conflict, 冲突。

3、 affluent 富裕的

4、 前缀af-同ad-, 去,往。词根flu, 流动,流出。



2、afflict: [14] When it originally entered English, afflict meant ‘overthrow’, reflecting its origins in Latin afflīgere ‘throw down’, a compound verb formed from the prefix ad- ‘to’ and flīgere ‘strike’. English afflict comes either from the Latin past participle afflictus, from a new Latin verb formed from this, afflictāre, or perhaps from the now obsolete English adjective afflict, which was borrowed from Old French aflit and refashioned on the Latin model. The meaning ‘torment, distress’ developed in the early 16th century.

3、afflict (v.)

4、late 14c., "to cast down," from Old French aflicter, from Latin afflictare "to damage, harass, torment," frequentative of affligere (past participle afflictus) "to dash down, overthrow," from ad- "to" (see ad-) + fligere (past participle flictus) "to strike," from PIE root *bhlig- "to strike" (cognates: Greek phlibein "to press, crush," Czech blizna "scar," Welsh blif "catapult"). Transferred meaning of "trouble, distress," is first recorded 1530s. Related: Afflicted; afflicting.
