导读 大家好,知识小编来为大家讲解下。etiquette是什么意思,etiquette的用法很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!一、etiquette是什么意



1、etiquette 礼仪

2、词源同stick, 小木棍,粘,连。原义为粘贴的小卡片,来自法国路易十四时期,给大臣发一张写上注意事项的小卡片,以提醒需要注意的行为和举止。参照同源词ticket.



2、etiquette: [18] Etiquette is, almost literally, ‘just the ticket’. The primary meanings of French étiquette are ‘ticket’ and ‘label’ – and indeed it is the source of English ticket. A particular application of it in former times was to a small card which had written or printed on it directions as to how to behave properly at court – hence it came to mean ‘prescribed code of social behaviour’.=> ticket

3、etiquette (n.)

4、1750, from French étiquette "prescribed behavior," from Old French estiquette "label, ticket" (see ticket (n.)). The sense development in French perhaps is from small cards written or printed with instructions for how to behave properly at court (compare Italian etichetta, Spanish etiqueta), and/or from behavior instructions written on a soldier's billet for lodgings (the main sense of the Old French word).
