导读 大家好,知识小编来为大家讲解下。flock是什么意思,flock的用法很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!一、flock是什么意思1、flock



1、flock 羊群,群集

2、词源不详。可能来自folk, 人们,民众。原指一群人或队伍,后来才用来指兽群,羊群。参照基督教牧师,其原义即为牧羊人。

3、flock 绒毛

4、来自拉丁语floccus, 羊毛,发绺,词源同floss, fleece.


1、flock (n.1)

2、Old English flocc "a group of persons, company, troop," related to Old Norse flokkr "crowd, troop, band," Middle Low German vlocke "crowd, flock (of sheep);" of unknown origin, not found in other Germanic languages; perhaps related to folc "people," but the metathesis would have been unusual for Old English. In Old English of humans only; extended c. 1200 to "a number of animals of one kind moving or feeding together;" of domestic animals c. 1300. The special reference to birds is recent (19c.). Transferred to bodies of Christians, in relation to Christ or their pastor, from mid-14c.

3、flock (n.2)

4、"tuft of wool," mid-13c., also found in continental Germanic and Scandinavian, all probably from Old French floc, from Latin floccus "flock of wool, lock of hair."

5、flock (v.)

6、c. 1300 "gather, congregate" (intransitive), from flock (n.1). Related: Flocked; flocking.
