导读 大家好,知识小编来为大家讲解下。stride是什么意思,stride的用法很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!一、stride是什么意思1、strid



1、stride 大步,阔步,步幅,进展

2、来自古英语 stridan,跨坐,上马,来自 Proto-Germanic*stridanan,斗争,争斗,词源同 strife,strive. 可能来自 PIE*ster,展开,铺开,伸展,词源同 strew,structure,strand.该词在其大多数日耳曼同 源词中都保留原义斗争,争斗,吵架,争吵,在英语中引申词义大步走,阔步走可能是取其 奋勇向前之意。



2、stride: [OE] Stride comes from a prehistoric Germanic base *strīd-, whose other descendants (German streiten and Dutch strijden ‘quarrel’, Swedish and Danish strid ‘strife, affliction’) suggest a basic underlying meaning ‘severity, great effort’. There may also be a link with English strife and strive. Straddle [16] comes from a variant of the same base. The use of the plural noun strides for ‘trousers’ dates from the late 19th century.=> straddle

3、stride (v.)

4、Old English stridan (past tense strad, past participle striden), "to straddle, mount" (a horse), from Proto-Germanic *stridanan (cognates: Middle Low German strede "stride, strive;" Old Saxon stridian, Danish stride, Swedish strida "to fight," Dutch stridjen, Old High German stritan, German etreiten "to fight, contend, struggle," Old Norse striðr "strong, hard, stubborn, severe"). The sense connection in the various Germanic forms is perhaps "strive, make a strong effort;" the senses having to do with walking and standing are found only in English and Low German. Meaning "to walk with long or extended steps" is from c. 1200. Cognate words in most Germanic languages mean "to fight, struggle;" the notion behind the English usage might be the effort involved in making long strides, striving forward.

5、stride (n.)

6、"a step in walking," especially a long one, from Old English stride "a stride, a step," from the root of stride (v.). Compare Dutch strijd, Old High German strit, German Streit "fight, contention, combat," Swedish and Danish strid "combat, contention." From c. 1300 as a measure of distance roughly the length of a stride. Figurative meaning "advance rapidly, make progress" is from c. 1600. Of animals (especially horses) from early 17c. To take (something) in stride (1832), i.e. "without change of gait," originally is of horses leaping hedges in the hunting-field; figurative sense attested from 1902. To hit (one's) stride is from horse-racing. Jazz music stride tempo is attested from 1938. Meaning "a standing with the legs apart, a straddle" is from 1590s.
