导读 大家好,知识小编来为大家讲解下。distinct是什么意思,distinct的用法很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!一、distinct是什么意思1



1、distinct 清楚的

2、词源同distinguish, 区分,分开。



2、distinct: [14] Etymologically, distinct is the past participle of distinguish. It comes from distinctus, past participle of Latin distinguere ‘separate, discriminate’ (source, via the present stem of Old French distinguer, of English distinguish [16]). This was a compound verb formed from the prefix dis- ‘apart’ and the verbal element -stinguere ‘prick, stick’, and hence meant originally ‘separate by pricking’ (-stinguere, related to English stick and instigate, is not found as an independent verb in Latin in the sense ‘prick’, but stinguere does occur in the remote metaphorical meaning ‘quench’ – a development mirrored in German ersticken ‘stifle, suffocate’ – which lies behind English extinct and extinguish). Distingué is an early 19th-century adoption of the past participle of French distinguer.=> distinguish, extinct, instigate, stick

3、distinct (adj.)

4、late 14c., originally past participle of distincten (c. 1300) "to distinguish," from Old French distincter, from Latin distinctus, past participle of distinguere (see distinguish). Related: Distinctness.
