导读 大家好,知识小编来为大家讲解下。segment是什么意思,segment的用法很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!一、segment是什么意思1、se



1、segment 分割,切分,部分,片段

2、来自拉丁语 secare, 砍,切,来自 PIE*sek,砍,切,词源同 section,secateurs.-ment,名词后缀。 引申诸相关词义。



2、segment: see section

3、segment (n.)

4、1560s, from Latin segmentum "a strip or piece cut off, a cutting, strips of colored cloth," from secare "to cut" (see section (n.)), with euphonious alteration of -c- to -g- before -m-. Latin segmentum was used in Medieval Latin as a geometry term, translating Greek tmema, and the word was first picked up in English in this sense. Meaning "segmental portion of anything circular" is from 1640s; general sense of "a division, section" is from 1762.

5、segment (v.)

6、1859, intransitive, in reference to cell division, from segment (n.). Transitive sense, "divide (something) into segments" is from 1872. Related: Segmented; segmenting.
