
除了对妈妈说声:“I Love You, Mom。”之外,你还会写母亲节英语诗歌祝福语吗?如果你想用特别的方式祝福母亲,不妨尝试写一首深情的母亲节英语诗歌祝福语。相信下面的母亲节英文祝福语可以为你提供很大的帮助。   祝福母亲的句子50字:   祝福母亲的句子1:   There is no love, like a mother's love,   no stronger bond on earth...   like the precious bond that comes from God,   to a mother, when she gives birth.   A mother's love is forever strong,   never changing for all time...   and when her children need her most,   a mother's love will shine.   God bless these special mothers,   God bless them every one...   for all the tears and heartache,   and for the special work they've done.   When her days on earth are over,   a mother's love lives on...   through many generations,   with God's blessings on each one.   Be thankful for our mothers,   for they love with a higher love...   from the power God has given,   and the strength from up above.   祝福母亲的句子2:   There's a spot in my heart which no colleen may own;   There's a depth in my soul never sounded or known;   There's a place in my memory my life that you fill;   No other can take it no one ever will;   Every sorrow or care in the dear days gone by;   Was made bright by the light of the smile in your eye;   Like a candle that's set in a window at night;   Your fond love has cheered me and guided me right;   Sure I love the dear silver that shines in your hair;   And the brow that's all furrowed and wrinkled with care;   I kiss the dear fingers so toil warm for me;   Oh! God bless you and keep you, mother machree!   祝福母亲的句子3:   I love the beautiful young girl of this   portrait, my mother, painted years ago   when her forehead was white, and there was no   shadow in the dazzling Venetian glass   of her gaze. But this other likeness shows   the deep trenches across her forehead’s white   marble. The rose poem of her youth that   her marriage sang is far behind. Here is   my sadness: I compare these portraits, one   of a joy-radiant brow, the other care-   heavy: sunrise—and the thick coming on   of night. And yet how strange my ways appear,   for when I look at these faded lips my heart   smiles, but at the smiling girl my tears start.   祝福母亲的句子4:   M is for the things she gave me.   O means she grows old.   T is for the tears   H is her heart.   E is for eyes.   R means right and right always be.   Mother's love is like a circle .   It has no beginning and no ending.   Mother,What a nice word, what a great name? I love you so much.   祝福母亲的句子5:   I Love You, Mom   ... and I Want You to Know Why   I Feel So Proud to Be Your Daughter   You are a remarkable woman   who accomplishes so much as a   strong woman   in a man's world   You are strong but soft   You are strong but caring   You are strong but compassionate   You are a remarkable woman   who accomplishes so much as a   giving woman   in a selfish world   You give to your friends   You give to your family   You give to everyone   You are a remarkable woman   who is also a remarkable mother   And you are loved by so many people   whose lives you have touched -especially me   祝福母亲的句子6:   If I could give you diamonds,for each tear you cried for me   If I could give you sapphires, for each truth you’ve helped me see   If I could give you rubies, for the heartache that you’ve known   If I could give you pearls,for the wisdom that you’ve shown   Then you’ll have a treasure, mother   that would mount up to the skies   That would almost match the sparkle in your kind and loving eyes   But I have no pearls, no diamonds   as I’m sure you’re well aware   So I’ll give you gifts more precious,my devotion, love and care   祝福母亲的句子7:   Mum.   I wish for the hugs I'll never get,   I wish for the memories with no regrets.   I wish for the advice I will never hear,   I wish for your strength in time of fear.   I wish for you all the time,   I wish for tissues when I cry.   I wish for all this and more,   I wish for your courage whenever I fall.   I wish for you whom I know best,   I wish for you I don't forget
