导读 今天小编跟大家分享一篇有关李阳疯狂英语听力训练,相信小伙伴们对这个话题应该也很关注吧,现在就为小伙伴们说说李阳疯狂英语听力训练具体




  What I'm getting at is...

  Woman: What I'm getting at is I think we should break up.

  Man: Good. I think so too. Thank you for not beating around the bush.

  Woman: What I'm getting at is you're fired.

  Man: What? Just like that? After all my hard work and devotion to this damn place?


  I hate to disagree with you, but...

  Man: I hate to disagree with you, but I think Shenzhen is cleaner than Beijing.

  Woman: You obviously haven't been to Beijing lately.

  Man: I hate to disagree with you, but English is not that easy to learn.

  Woman: You just don't know the secrets of crazy English.


  When it comes to...

  Why don't you just install the software yourself?

  When it comes to computers, I'm hopelessly lost.

  Why do trust his opinion so much?

  When it comes to English, he's an expert.


  What is boils down to is...

  I just don't understand why my idea was rejected. It really is a terrific opportunity for the company.

  What is boils down to is we don't have enough money.

  Why did those two have such a difficult marriage.

  What is boils down to is culture differences.

  How did the company lose so much of market?

  What is boils down to is too much talk and not enough action.

  I can't believe they can't find a leader for the environmental protection committee.

  What is boils down to is that no one is willing to take on that kind of responsibility.


  What is boils down to is...

  I just don't understand why my idea was rejected. It really is a terrific opportunity for the company.

  What is boils down to is we don't have enough money.

  Why did those two have such a difficult marriage.

  What is boils down to is culture differences.

  How did the company lose so much of market?

  What is boils down to is too much talk and not enough action.

  I can't believe they can't find a leader for the environmental protection committee.

  What is boils down to is that no one is willing to take on that kind of responsibility.







