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2021-06-06 03:35:39
One of the most important things to have when you're job hunting is a killer résumé. After all, if your CV doesn't pass muster, you won't even get a chance to meet face-to-face and let potential employers know why you're the right person for the job. Here are some details you should remove from your résumé: 以下是一些你应该从简历中删去的东西: 1. Middle and high school information. If you've gone through college, you usually don't need to add your high school information, particularly if you're way past the graduation date. Middle school references are also best taken out. 有关初高中的信息。你要是上过大学,通常来说你就不需要在简历里写有关你高中时期的信息了,尤其是当你已经毕业了很多年以后。初中校长的评语之类的也最好去掉吧。 2. Average or poor GPA. If the company doesn't ask for it, there's no reason to insert in your GPA, especially if your college days are far behind. Including a low GPA won't help your case. 平庸的、或是糟糕的绩点。只要公司没要求你提供绩点,你就没必要写出来,尤其是当你的大学成绩远远落后的时候。交一份很低的绩点出来对你毫无帮助。 3. Passive language. Use action verbs and don't make weak references to your achievements. For example, saying things like "familiar with [some skill]" or "learned how to [some skill]" is unnecessary. You should cut to the chase and immediately address the skill so you seem like you have the experience, instead of looking like a trainee. 被动的语句。使用一些积极的表述,而不要对你取得的成就使用一些单薄的描述。比如,你没必要说“我熟悉(某种技能)”或“我学过(某种技能)”。你应该开门见山地说出你具备的技能,这样你才会看起来有经验,而不是像个实习生似的。 4. Photos. Unless requested or depending on the industry, leave your photo out. You are not being judged on how you look, so including a photo will make you look unprofessional. 照片。除非有要求或是行业需要,就别加你的照片上去了。你不是由你的外表来评价的。所以加上一张照片会显得你不够专业。 5. A series of short-lived jobs. If you've had a series of jobs that you've held for short periods of time, it might be a good idea to take them out. You don't want your résumé looking disjointed and you don't want employers to think you don't have focus. Some exceptions can be if you worked somewhere really prestigious that would make you look like a better job candidate or if you had a long period of unemployment and had nothing else to put in your résumé. Still, even in those circumstances, be very cautious about what you do include. 大量的短期工作。如说你有很多短期工作的经验,或许不提它们是比较好的选择。你一定不希望你的简历看起来很脱节,也不希望招聘者觉得你是个缺乏重点的人。不过也有些例外,比方说你曾在某个知名企业工作过,这会使你看起来是个更靠谱一些的求职者;又比如你有有段时间长期失业,实在没别的好放进简历了。不过,即使是在那些情况下,你也要注意你放在简历里的内容。 6. Objective statement. It's rare that an objective statement will help you, and it can oftentimes hurt you, so it's usually best to take it out. Not to mention, it's generally quite hard to write a good objective statement. After all, you're telling the company what you're looking for, when in fact, the firm isn't there to help you achieve your goals. 客观描述。很少有客观的描述能帮到你,大部分情况下反而会伤到你。所以大部分情况下最好不要用。更别说,实际上写出一句好的客观描述通常是比较困难的。毕竟,你是在告诉对方公司你在找什么工作,而事实上,公司并不是为了帮你实现目标而存在的。 7. Really obvious skills. Proficiency in, for example, Microsoft Word is generally common. Try to take those out of the skills section and substitute them with less common skills. 十分明显的技能。比如说,对Microsoft Word的掌握是非常普遍的。试着把它从技能栏里去掉吧,换上一些不那么常见的技能。 8. More pages. The general rule of thumb with résumés is to keep it to a page. Two pages should be the maximum amount of pages you should have, and it should only be that length when you're applying for very senior-level positions. Keeping it short will help you pull out the most impressive achievements and leave the irrelevant ones in the dust. 多于一页。做简历的基本规则是保持在一页内,两页是最高限制了,而且也只有当你申请高级职位时才可以用。精简简历可以帮助你把那些最令人印象深刻的成就留下来,而把那些不相关的东西删掉。
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