
  在雅思口语题库当中,童年是一个常见的主题,part1中出现过childhood,part2中要求考生描述童年的game、story、toy等等。在此,朗阁海外考试研究中心的专家将选择关于game这个主题给大家来谈谈如何解题。   Describe a game you played in your childhood.   You should say:   What it is   Whom you played it with   Where you played it   And explain the reason why you liked the game.   话题类别:object   话题整合:   1. 此话题与前几年出现过的关于game的考题相类似。   Describe a game you enjoyed when you were a child (not a sport).   You should say:   What the game was   When, where and with whom you usually played it   How you played it   And explain what was special about this game.   2. 此话题还可以与事件题进行合并。可以将game作为a happy event in childhood的素材来描述。   Describe a happy event from your childhood that you remember well.   You should say:   What the event was   When and where it happened   Who participated in this event   And explain why you remember this event so well.   难点解析:   烤鸭们拿到考题后会有两个难点:第一个就是素材的选择。对于童年的game,大家都不陌生,男生和女生一般有区别,男生一般可能玩video game比较多,女生则喜欢role-playing games,比如playing house(扮家家酒)。当然,也有一些男女生都会参加的游戏,比如hide-and-seek和dropping the handkerchief。第二个难点就是关于该游戏的相关英文词汇以及对这个游戏的介绍需要用英文解释清楚。鉴于捉迷藏和丢手绢这两种游戏在雅思口语考试中有说滥的趋势,并且建议考生在备考时选择与native speaker文化有共同性的素材,不仅便于考生把握,也便于雅思口语考官的理解。下面我们就以国外的一种常见游戏“I spy with my little eye”为例,给大家具体分析一下这个话题。   思路分析:   虽然I spy是国外常见的一种游戏,但是我们依然可以拿过来作为自己的素材。   首先,烤鸭们应该熟练掌握开头句的简单使用"Well, the game I wanna describe is I spy. You know, when I was a child, I was pretty into this kind of game."   开头句一般有:   Well, the person/object/place/event I want to talk about/describe is ...(这种比较直接)   Actually, I played a lot of games with my playmates in my childhood. If you ask me to name one, I should say that is ...(对于不同的题目,烤鸭们需要换中心词)   第一问:What it is   "I spy"又被称作"I spy with my little eye",是一种非常受欢迎的猜字游戏。Normally, one player will pick an object he or she can see, and then ask others questions, such as "What is ...(red or black or square or round)?" 如果对方猜错了,出题人需要告诉他们“No”,直至他们猜中。烤鸭们在说这个素材的时候,可以说大家玩的是中文版本。当然,也可以说是在小学课堂上玩的英文小游戏。总之,大家要把故事编得合情合理。   在描述游戏玩法时,大家可以使用到一些连接词,在这里做一个补充:   At first/Firstly/The first step is to...   Next/Then/In addition   At last/Lastly   第二问:Whom you played it with   一般而言,父母会先教会孩子玩这个游戏,这个游戏可以帮助孩子提高语言能力。之后,孩子之间就会玩得不亦乐乎。那么,烤鸭们在说的时候,可以说自己是和父母玩的,也可以说是和伙伴玩的,或者是在英文课上和老师玩的。   第三问:Where you played it   在国外,I spy是一种car game。Usually, this kind of game will be played between family or friends in a long journey. 当然,在关于这个游戏的occasion设置时,不仅可以说是在车上和父母或者朋友玩的游戏,也可以设置成在English class(如之前有提到)和老师同学玩的小游戏。Whatever, it is up to u!   第四问:explain the reason why you liked the game   最后一问涉及到大家喜欢此类游戏的原因,这部分烤鸭们可以各显神通。大家可以有几种回答呢?The reason why the game impressed me a lot is because of my English teacher in my primary school. She taught us how to play this game. I should say that we had a lot of fun in her classes. 毫无疑问,这种是将person作为原因。还有,大家可以回答I was crazy about this game because it reminds me of my happy childhood. 快乐的童年当然与游戏分不开咯!   那么关于童年类话题,考生不难发现所有的toy/game/story都会与人(比如:parents, playmates and teachers)相挂钩,“为什么喜欢呢?因为礼物是重要的人送的”。或者,此类童年类物品话题还可以与这样的词组“remind me of my happy childhood”相联系。   Sample answer:   Well, the game I wanna describe is I spy. You know, when I was a child, I was pretty into this kind of game. "I spy" is also called "I spy with my little eye". Actually, it is a popular guessing game. Firstly, one player will pick an object he or she can see, and then ask others questions, such as "What is (red or black or square or round)? Then, other players should give their responses. If they choose the wrong thing, guessers will be told "No" until they finally find the exact answer. I still remember that the first time I played this game was in English class when I was Grade 4. Our English teacher taught us how to play I spy and asked us to play with deskmates. After that, I was crazy about I spy and played this game nearly anywhere and anytime. For example, I played that game with my parents in long journeys or with my playmates in spare time. I should say that I had a lot of fun in that game. The reason why the game impressed me a lot is that I spy aroused my interest in English. Also, it reminds me of my happy childhood.
