






Harbin Administration for Industry and Commerce, also known as Harbin Industry and Commerce Bureau, is a key authority functioning to enforce duties, exercise the administrative power and protect the operation order of the actual economic actors by the means of industrial and commercial administration. It is located in the capital city of Heilongjiang Province, Harbin.

Harbin Industry and Commerce Bureau is responsible for industrial and commercial administrative affairs concerning the city, such as the import and export trades, enterprise registration and management, trademark registration, public disclosure of corporate information, stringent punishments against corrupt activities, and the identification of skills of certain industries' workers.

Harbin Industry and Commerce Bureau attaches great importance to the crucial part in relation to the city's economic development. On the market access, technical inspection, e-commerce, quality standards, information publicity audit and scientific and technological support, it has established a complete mechanism to guarantee timely service, encourage the enthusiasm of economic actors and their creation ability, reduce the cost of setting up businesses and improve the investment environment, thus finally push forward the development of the real economy.

Harbin Industry and Commerce Bureau stands by the laws and regulations in the fields of industrial and commercial administration, and sets up a scientific, effective and extensive supervision and administration system in order to protect the legal rights and autonomous power of the economic actors. Moreover, in line with the national administrative laws and regulations, it resolves ethical and financial disputes legally and efficiently and prevents any irregular activities from occurring, so as to minimize the occurrence of economic disputes and advance the healthy development of the real economy, providing strong support for building a market-oriented economy in China.

Harbin Industry and Commerce Bureau carries out the policies of practicalism, fairness and justice, and rule of law to sincerely provide the public with more perfect, efficient and convenient industrial and commercial services, thereby promoting social and economic growth. It is based on the tenet of serving the real economic actors at every detail.




哈尔滨工商局于每日上午8:30至下午17:00开放,上午9:00至11:30供民众窗口咨询、办理申请遗嘱及公示事项,下午13:00至17:00供应申请变更登记事项及各类申报事项。晚上17:00(含17:00)至下午17:30供应受理 办结当日未完成的业务。


