您好,今天小编胡舒来为大家解答以上的问题。fall on是什么意思,fall on相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!

1、fall on (或upon) 向…进攻,袭击,猛烈攻击: They fell on the enemy vigorously.他们猛烈地向敌人扑去。

2、落在,(责任、任务、灾难等)落在…身上,由…承担: The responsibility fell upon me.责任落到了我的肩上。

3、The bulk of the work will fall on you and me.大量的工作将落在你和我的头上。

4、跌倒在…上;掉落在…上: The boy fell on hard ground and broke his leg.这个男孩摔倒在硬地上,把腿给弄断了。

5、开始,着手: The patient fell on trembling.病人开始发抖起来。

6、偶然遇到(或发现);碰巧看见: I fell upon a beautiful passage in one of his articles.在他的文章中我偶然发现了一篇精美的文章。

7、遭受,遭遇: The man has fallen upon a piece of bad luck.那个人碰到了不幸。

8、(目光、光线等)被引向(某物);朝…方向,降落在,(重音、视线等)落在…上: As he was passing,his eye fell on a ring lying in the grass.在他走路时,他发现草丛中有一枚戒指。

9、(节日等)适逢(某日),正当(某日): His birthday falls on Sunday.他的生日恰逢星期日。

10、退回到,恢复(原位): They fell on their places.他们各就各位。
